Shipixen - Easily generate unlimited Nextjs boilerplates

Shipixen - Easily generate unlimited Nextjs boilerplates

Let's face it, getting to the meat of application development is all we as developers and business owners really care about. We want to get to the fun part of building our applications and seeing our ideas come to life. Creating something that is feature-rich and provides a solution to a problem. Today, I want to introduce you to a tool that is revolutionizing the web development industry by simplifying the construction of customizable Next.js boilerplates while also incorporating MDX blogging, SEO optimization, one-click Vercel deployment and support for Netlify or Github Pages. This tool, built on the Next.js framework, is called Shipixen.

What is Shipixen?

Shipixen is a tool that creates customisable Next.js boilerplates, Blogs, Waitlists, SaaS, Landing Pages and more. It can be used to build fullstack apps with ease. It enables users to easily generate and publish websites with built-in functionality from a selection of pre-built templates and components. Shipixen supports one-click deployment to Vercel and provides full ownership of the created code, making it perfect for developers who want to save time on configuration and design tasks.

Features and Functionality

Shipixen provides a complete set of tools aimed at streamlining the web development process. Here are some of the key functionalities:

  • Customizable Boilerplates: Generate tailored Next.js boilerplates for business websites, blogs, portfolios, and documentation.

  • App Router Support: Support for the App Router in Next.js 14, including layouts, React Server Components, streaming, and new data fetching methods.

  • SEO Optimization: Ensure your site is easily discoverable by search engines with built-in SEO best practices.

  • MDX Blogging: Seamlessly integrate MDX for content creation, supporting tags, filters, authors, and pagination.

  • UI and Theming: Utilize themed UI libraries with dark mode support, powered by TailwindCSS and Shadcn UI.

  • Deployment: Simplify the process with one-click deployment to Vercel, providing full ownership of the source code in your chosen Git repository. Follow the simple steps in the documentation to deploy to Netlify or GitHub Pages, leveraging server-side rendering for enhanced performance and security.

  • Additional Features: Include sitemap, RSS feed, privacy and terms pages, pricing page, and more.

  • React Server Components: Integration of React Server Components for building highly dynamic, super fast, and SEO-ready React apps.

  • Server-side Rendering: Support for server components to handle server-side rendering and pre-rendering.

Shipixen ensures a hassle-free setup, allowing developers to focus on building what matters most - the product.

shipixen dashboard

Ease of Use and Setup

Once you have purchased a Shipixen license, you can start creating your custom Next.js boilerplate by selecting the desired template and components. The platform offers a user-friendly interface that guides you through the process, making it easy to customize your site with various options and settings.

  1. Sign Up: Purchase either the 3 month or 1 year license to access Shipixen’s features and start building your site.
  2. Select Template: Choose from more than 63+ themes and templates or create your own.
  3. Customize: Personalize your selected template by adjusting the settings, adding content, and integrating features like MDX blogging and SEO optimization. Choose from over 103+ components.
  4. Deploy: With just one click, deploy your fully customized site to Vercel, ensuring you have full ownership of your source code.

Its as easy as that!

Performance and Scalability of Shipixen

Based on page speed insights and performance metrics, Shipixen ensures that the generated websites are optimized for speed and performance. The platform leverages Next.js to deliver fast-loading sites that provide a seamless user experience. Shipixen’s templates are designed to be scalable, allowing you to grow your site as needed without compromising performance.

shipixen performance

*Results generated based on template created with Shipixen.

Pricing and Value for Money of Shipixen

Shipixen offers two pricing plans: a 3-month license and a 12-month license. The platform provides excellent value for money by simplifying the web development process and offering a range of features and templates that would otherwise take significant time and effort to create from scratch. Shipixen's pricing is competitive compared to the cost of hiring a developer or designer to build a custom site, making it an attractive option for businesses and developers looking to save time and resources.

shipixen pricing
3-Month LicenseGenerate unlimited custom boilerplates for 3 months. All generated code is yours forever.$100 $87
1-Year LicenseGenerate unlimited custom boilerplates for an entire year. All generated code is yours forever.$348 $259

Drawbacks of Shipixen for Users

While Shipixen offers a range of benefits for developers and businesses, there are some drawbacks to consider:

  • Requires some coding knowledge: While Shipixen is designed to be user-friendly, some knowledge of nextjs is helpful to fully utilize its features and customize your site.
  • Strictly Nextjs: Shipixen is built on Next.js, so users looking for solutions on other frameworks may need to look for other options.
  • Learning Curve: Users unfamiliar with Next.js or web development may face a learning curve when using Shipixen.


Our conclusion is that Shipixen can provide significant value to developers and businesses looking to streamline the development process. The platform’s customizable boilerplates, SEO optimization, and MDX blogging features make it an attractive option for those seeking to create fast, scalable websites with minimal effort. Shipixen’s one-click deployment to Vercel and support for Netlify or Github Pages further simplify the process, allowing users to focus on building their products rather than configuring their sites. With competitive pricing and a range of features, Shipixen is a valuable tool for developers looking to save time and resources on their projects.


How can Shipixen help me?

Well if you are a developer or business owner looking to streamline the web development process, Shipixen can help you create customisable Next.js boilerplates with built-in features like SEO optimization, MDX blogging, and one-click Vercel deployment. It simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on building your product rather than configuring your site.

How much does Shipixen cost?

Shipixen offers two pricing plans: a 3-month license and a 12-month license. The 3-month license costs $87, while the 12-month license costs $259. Both licenses include features like unlimited custom boilerplates, and you one the code forever.

Do i need to know how to code to use Shipixen?

While some knowledge of web development is helpful, Shipixen is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to developers of all skill levels. The platform provides a range of templates and components that you can customize to create your site, making it easy to get started.

Is Shipixen suitable for large-scale projects?

Shipixen code is production ready and can be used for large-scale projects. The platform leverages Next.js to deliver fast-loading sites that are optimized for performance and scalability. With features like SEO optimization and MDX blogging, Shipixen is well-suited for a wide range of projects, from small business websites to enterprise applications.

Is shipixen an alternative to webflow

Yes, Shipixen can be considered an alternative to Webflow for developers and businesses looking to create custom websites with Next.js. While Webflow is a no-code platform that offers a visual design interface, Shipixen is a tool that generates custom Next.js boilerplates with built-in features like SEO optimization and MDX blogging. Shipixen provides more flexibility and control over the codebase, making it a great choice for developers who want to customize their sites and have full ownership of the code.